Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Would you like to stay in touch? Facebook Group, Goodreads, Email List!

Hello! There are several ways to stay in touch if you'd like to be sure to catch every single new release.

The best way is likely the email list. You'll receive a weekly emailed newsletter, and I'll be sneaking cover reveals and previews soon. 
EMAIL LIST HERE - http://eepurl.com/gd7WDP

 If you'd like to join my group on Facebook, that would allow you to share my book posts, which would be incredibly helpful. I have no budget for marketing for a few months, so word of mouth from lovely readers is truly helping.
FACEBOOK GROUP HERE - https://www.facebook.com/HaleyTravisRomance/

Are you on Goodreads? Feel free to follow me there if you like.
GOODREADS  - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18839924.Haley_Travis

If you'd like to follow me on Amazon, they will send you an email when there is a new release. It's often a week or two later though. Their systems are gigantic, and seem to be overloaded sometimes.
FOLLOW ON AMAZON - http://amazon.com/author/haleytravis 

Friday January 17th, Snipping Up Love will be released.  It's #5 in the Up Love - Insta Love Shy Girl  Romance series.

Friday January 24th, I'm releasing a full length novel called, "Donuts & Handcuffs". It's about a baker who is trying to start a new life, but the sexy, hunky neighborhood cop is always around asking questions. It's shaping up to be as sweet as Bailey's donuts, and Officer Daniel is a stand up guy, who just wants to care for her. This book will be available in paperback as well as ebook.

Thanks so much for staying in touch!

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